Bromism in the Modern Day: Case Report and Canadian Review of Bromide Intoxication Journal of General Internal Medicine
Someone who is deficient in iodine might show signs through an enlarged thyroid (goiter) or through the onset of hypothyroidism. In someone with low thyroid hormones, supplementing extra iodine through your diet may be helpful in improving thyroid function. Meeting your daily requirement for iodine can also help improve thyroid function by removing toxins from the thyroid. Though, most of our bodies can tolerate higher levels of iodine in our diets, those with hyperthyroidism should watch out for foods with too high of an iodine content. Dr. Clark Store Lugol’s Iodine for example, contains 1.25mg of elemental iodine per drop. There are several people in the iodine community advocating for daily salt loading.
Halogens like bromine and chlorine are used for disinfecting water. Some of this control bromide detox symptoms originates from the reaction of CTAB with other reagents in the gold nanoparticle synthesis. The ascorbic acid radical and CTA-AuCl3 react spontaneously to create metallic Au0 nanoparticles and other byproducts.
Nausea and vomiting… Those damn ketones!
But, when you are getting enough iodine, the opposite happens and the iodine gets absorbed and “crowds out” the unwanted halogens so that they are not absorbed and are excreted from the body. We take in so many toxins and heavy metals from the outside world, whether it be in the air we’re breathing the water we’re drinking or the food we’re eating. Things like pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, bromine and so many more harmful toxins can work their way into our bodies. These are all known as endocrine disruptors, because they interfere with the body’s endocrine system––which can result in so many of your body’s hormones and hormonal processes going completely haywire.
Speculatively, once your Iodine dosage has (according to this scenario) restored adrenal function by opposing Mercury effects, any further increase may start to be counter-productive (meaning onset of Iodine overdose). Other nutrients may be required for optimal health, such as Vitamin D and Omega 3s. The nutrients above are necessary for optimal thyroid function and to help the body process/detox/assimilate iodine properly.
Bioidentical Hormones Natural Thyroid
Therefore, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc., contain increased BFR concentration. Bromine is an alternative disinfectant in spas, swimming pools, and cooling tower water. However, it is not used in municipal drinking water due to its cost and concerns regarding the formation of DBP (disinfection byproducts). Skin exposure to bromine may occur due to contact with gaseous or liquid bromine.
There is some information about electrolytes damaging liver and kidney cells in order to increase hydration. 2 What’s happening here is actually beneficial to some degree because it’s increasing our ability to hydrate. Sustained overconsumption of sodium, particularly as salt, has been related to development of hypertension in sensitive individuals. 1 When we add salt to our food, most of it will be absorbed in our gut, which can limit how much it want’s to absorb and pass the rest.
- The patient also had a history of chronic headaches, which had been extensively investigated by neurology and attributed to migraine attacks.
- But, when you are getting enough iodine, the opposite happens and the iodine gets absorbed and “crowds out” the unwanted halogens so that they are not absorbed and are excreted from the body.
- The nutrients above are necessary for optimal thyroid function and to help the body process/detox/assimilate iodine properly.
- Things like pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, bromine and so many more harmful toxins can work their way into our bodies.
- Chlorine may be harsh for those with breathing issues like asthma or those with sensitive eyes or skin.
It takes high levels of iodine flooding the body to displace the toxic halides with the good one. But a variety of cells require iodine for optimum function, as well (e.g. breast, ovaries, pancreas and prostate). So Iodine is important for the body quite apart from supplying the thyroid gland with Iodine. I have had a handful of people reach out to me from either the emergency room or with paramedics at their home due to a major electrolyte imbalance that caused them to have a reaction. Every time this happened except one time, it was most likely due to people drinking salt water at least once per day for a week or more.
If all of these fail to resolve the issues then a more intense detox support protocol as defined above would be needed. Bromine is a naturally occurring element that can cause toxicity when an individual is exposed to high levels of it over a long period of time. When it enters the body, bromine can replace iodine, which can lead to an underactive thyroid gland. Bromine also has its own toxic effects on tissues, and there is some evidence that it may have cancer-inducing properties. It can affect the modulation of neurotransmitters in the brain, potentially causing emotional problems such as depression, psychosis, anxiety, and mood instability. Some cases of schizophrenia are also related to bromine toxicity.
Categories: Sober living
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