How Does Alcohol Affect Your Mental Health?
Treating depression alone does not stop alcohol use from occurring when an alcohol use disorder has developed. Just as treating an alcohol use disorder without treating depression does not typically result in successful outcomes. Depression is the most prevalent co-occuring mental health condition with 63% of people with AUD experiencing major depressive disorder. Due to … Read more »
Categories: Sober living
Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Outpatient Management
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, can support the body’s recovery. Hydration is also important, so drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine is advised. Some people find that smaller, more frequent meals help if nausea is an issue. A good diet won’t lessen withdrawal effects but … Read more »
Categories: Sober living
Blood thinners and alcohol: Safety, effects, and more
Excessive alcohol use is a term used to describe four ways that people drink alcohol that can negatively impact health. Having a drink or two every once in a while may be fine when you’re on blood thinners — just be sure to talk to your doctor. If you’re a regular drinker, you may need … Read more »
Categories: Sober living
8 Reasons Why Youll Lose Weight When You Stop Drinking Surely Non-Alcoholic Wine
Content Why Do Alcoholics Crave Sugar? Sip on a nonalcoholic, healthy beverage. Swap your pint of ice cream for creamy Greek yogurt. If you’re truly hungry, eat a healthy & filling meal After outlasting acute alcohol withdrawal, you’re not completely out of the woods yet. About a couple of months after your last drink, you … Read more »
Categories: Sober living
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis Symptom to Diagnosis: An Evidence-Based Guide, 4e McGraw Hill Medical
Some conditions, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, share similar symptoms and lab results with AKA, making differential diagnosis necessary. When your body doesn’t receive adequate nutrients during episodes of starvation, it relies on stored fat for energy. This process leads to the production of ketones, which, if present in high levels, can cause the onset of … Read more »
Categories: Sober living
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